Sellafield scare docu-drama

Madam, - RTÉ's Fallout docu-drama, depicting an unrealistic catastrophic accident at Sellafield, unsubtly supports the prevailing…

Madam, - RTÉ's Fallout docu-drama, depicting an unrealistic catastrophic accident at Sellafield, unsubtly supports the prevailing neo-Luddite agenda that wants to make "nuclear" equal "Chernobyl" in the public mind.

This campaign has fear as its main weapon, and ignorance and prejudice as its main allies. Fallout succeeds only in increasing that fear and prejudice, further stifling the possibility of any rational debate on the topic, while simultaneously exposing the long-suffering Irish viewing public to dangerously high levels of bad acting. - Yours, etc,

SIMON DUNNE, Leixlip, Co Kildare.