Selling Out Irish Business?

Sir, - I commend Padraig Lewis (February 10th) for his sentiments about "selling out Irish business"

Sir, - I commend Padraig Lewis (February 10th) for his sentiments about "selling out Irish business". I too feel very strongly that we are slowly losing our identity in a vat of British consumerism.It is interesting to note that we have endeavoured for the past 25 years to develop an Irish identity, including Irish industry. Are we to replace labouring in the fields for absentee landlords with slaving behind the tills of British chainstores?Is the Celtic Tiger just a simpering lion? Where are the acumen and individuality that should be inherent in us as "Irish" business people?If we cannot call a halt to this financial takeover, can we at least introduce laws to ensure that the "Irishness" of our main shopping streets and retail outlets is preserved? - Yours, etc.,Frances O'Donnell,Dunville Avenue,Dublin 6.