Separated fathers at Christmas

Madam, - Since the Amen conference, "Being a Father at Christmas", on December 9th our helpline has been inundated with calls…

Madam, - Since the Amen conference, "Being a Father at Christmas", on December 9th our helpline has been inundated with calls from fathers and paternal grandparents who will not see their children or grandchildren at Christmas.

In many cases mothers are denying fathers time with their children in contravention of court orders. By doing so, these mothers are not only breaking the law but are also denying the children their natural rights to spend time with their fathers. Because of this behaviour Christmas can be a very lonely time for many fathers and children. Unfortunately, these mothers are aware that access orders can be breached with impunity as the courts will not take the necessary steps to enforce them.

Christmas is a very special time in children's lives and the most important part is the time children spend interacting with their parents.

To most reasonable people it is inconceivable that any parent would try to deny the other parent time with their children over the festive season, regardless of the relationship between the parents. Yet this is happening throughout the country and the courts appear powerless or reluctant to do anything about it.


I would appeal to those mothers to put aside their personal feelings and allow their children to have sufficient time with their fathers and grandparents as is appropriate at this time of year. - Yours, etc.,

MARY T. CLEARY, Amen, Navan, Co Meath.