Sex, children and advertising

Madam, - An advertisement for a Nationwide Tiles and Bathrooms sale which has appeared recently in The Irish Times features a…

Madam, - An advertisement for a Nationwide Tiles and Bathrooms sale which has appeared recently in The Irish Times features a man fondling a girl as they stood against a tiled wall. It seems that even the most mundane items are not immune from the sex-sells-everything agenda of advertising agencies, which appear to be staffed exclusively by adolescent males.

Madam, - An advertisement for a Nationwide Tiles and Bathrooms sale which has appeared recently in The Irish Times features a man fondling a girl as they stood against a tiled wall. It seems that even the most mundane items are not immune from the sex-sells-everything agenda of advertising agencies, which appear to be staffed exclusively by adolescent males.

The increasing sexualisation of our culture demeans us all, but the most worrying aspect is its effect on children. What kind of society encourages teen and pre-pubescent girls to dress in a style that can best be described as hooker-chic, or allows record companies to make overtly sexual videos promoting bands whose target audience are seven-year-olds?

Much is being done to protect children from paedophiles, but why aren't there measures put in place to stop this insidious form of abuse? - Yours, etc.,





Co Westmeath.