Sex education in Irish schools

Madam, - I am a doctoral candidate at the department of sociology of Uppsala University, Sweden, and a former pupil of the Presentation…

Madam, - I am a doctoral candidate at the department of sociology of Uppsala University, Sweden, and a former pupil of the Presentation Secondary School in Waterford. My current research focuses on religion and moral values in Ireland, with a specific interest in the development and teaching of the Relationships and Sexuality programme in Irish secondary schools, from the teacher's point of view.

I would like to invite any teacher who has taught, or is currently teaching, sex education in any form (through the SPHE programme, for example) to contribute his or her experiences of that role.

Interviews will be conducted by telephone, and will normally take between 60 and 90 minutes to complete. These will, of course, be confidential, and the time of the interviews can be arranged according to what works best for each teacher.All those who are willing to be interviewed will certainly make a valuable contribution to research on Irish social and educational life.

For further information, teachers are welcome to contact me directly by telephone, email, post, fax or text message (details below). - Yours, etc,


Department of Sociology,

Uppsala University,

Box 624,

751 26 Uppsala,


Tel: +46 18 471 11 69 (work);

+46 18 32 48 28 (home);

Fax: +46 18 471 11 70;

Mobile: +46 806 32 11;