Sex trafficking statistics

Madam, - As the authors of the recent report on sex trafficking into Ireland we welcome any and all attention given to the topic…

Madam, - As the authors of the recent report on sex trafficking into Ireland we welcome any and all attention given to the topic (Editorial, June 16th ). However your reference to our report as being "widely believed to be an underestimate" requires some comment.

Our figure of 76 suspected cases (between 2000 and 2006) represents, as we state clearly, a "probable minimum" figure and was based on a rigorous, transparent and robust data-gathering process guided by best-practice conditions for social research. The report constitutes the first national baseline survey of the problem. It is acknowledged widely in the field that gathering figures for sex-trafficking is both notoriously politicised and difficult. However, we fully stand over our findings, not as any kind of estimate at all but as a defensible probable minimum number of cases.

For your readers, our report is available at - Yours, etc,

Dr GILLIAN WYLIE, Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College, Dublin; Dr EILÍS WARD, School of Political Science and Sociology, NUI Galway.