`Share The Wealth' Campaign

Sir, - Like Barry McLatchie (November 21st), we too feel compelled to protest at your lack of coverage of the "Share the Wealth…

Sir, - Like Barry McLatchie (November 21st), we too feel compelled to protest at your lack of coverage of the "Share the Wealth" rally in Dublin on November 19th. In your answer to Barry McLatchie you state that "The Irish Times has always tried to give fair coverage to INOU statement and events." The rally was actually organised by seven national networks engaged in combating poverty; the INOU was one such network, the others being Irish Rural Link, One Parent Exchange and Network, the Irish Traveller Movement, the Community Workers Co-operative, the European Anti-Poverty Network, and the Forum of People with Disabilities.

You went on to say that on busy days you cannot always allow for coverage of every "worthwhile event". Two thousand people did not come from all over Ireland at their own expense to raise awareness about a "worthwhile event". We came to protest about the national disgrace that is the level of poverty in this country in the midst of a booming economy, and to demand the basic rights guaranteed every citizen in our Constitution, and in Partnership 2000. We protested that Ireland ranks 16th out of 17th countries in the industrialised world, with only the US having a higher percentage of its population living in poverty. We came to demand a decent and just society where every citizen has equal opportunities and benefits. We did not make demands for anything over and above what has already been agreed under Partnership 2000.

Your paper redeemed itself somewhat by the publication of three excellent articles: by James Wrynn on November 23rd and 24th, and by Vincent Browne on 26th, for which we commend you. (Vincent Browne has been something of a vice in the wilderness concerning the rally, as he dedicated his radio programme Tonight with Vincent Browne on November 19th to the Share the Wealth campaign.) We can only hope that the people entrusted with making the decisions that affect people's lives might take on board the concerns of this large sector of the population. - Yours, etc., Ann Byrne,

Borrisokane Area Network Development, Borrisokane, Co Tipperary.