Shared Prayer

Sir, - It has been my very great privilege to have been the convenor and chairperson of the Chapel Committee of the Board of …

Sir, - It has been my very great privilege to have been the convenor and chairperson of the Chapel Committee of the Board of the Adelaide and Meath Hospital Dublin incorporating the National Children's Hospital.

At all times the work of the committee was guided by the principle that the highest common factor should guide the furnishing and functioning of the spaces provided for public worship and private prayer in the new hospital at Tallaght. That being the case, what Archbishop Connell said about the Eucharist and the real presence of Christ at the Service of Dedication last Sunday fitted well with the spirit of sharing, understanding and caring, from the richness of each Church tradition, which the Committee has sought to establish. This was also the case with Archbishop Empey's contribution on the significance of the empty Cross. Indeed it was startling how appropriate to this vision was what was said by each of the participating clergy, Pastor Dunlop's statement on water and baptism for cleansing and renewal, the Reverend Frank Sellar's commentary on the Bible as words witnessing to the Word which is Christ Himself, the Reverend Tom Kingston's reflection on the importance of light and the Light of Christ.

This vision of shared richness for many sources and the partnership of many people is the vision, not just for the Chapel, but for the whole hospital itself. - Yours, etc., W. Salters Sterling,

Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2.