Shooting Of John Carthy

Sir, - The report of the internal Garda inquiry into the shooting of John Carthy will do little to allay public disquiet

Sir, - The report of the internal Garda inquiry into the shooting of John Carthy will do little to allay public disquiet. Sadly, and without the benefit of hindsight, the findings were predictable. In the words of your Security Correspondent, Jim Cusack, the report contained no criticism whatsoever of the police actions leading to the death of John Carthy.

No criticism of their refusal to allow his psychiatrist, sister, or friend to speak with him! No criticism of their inability to contact the solicitor, Michael Finnucane! No criticism of their refusal to give cigarettes to an extremely agitated man, a known heavy smoker! Any criticism appears to be reserved for the unfortunate family.

It is incredible to read that the first 17 pages of the report amount to a detailed examination of Mr Carthy's character, medical history and treatment for depression; 17 pages, no less! Yet the report states that there was no legal justification for withholding the gun licence. Inexplicably, the report lays the blame for the reissuing of the licence on the family.

Mr Carthy's solicitor has criticised the leaking of the report to the media in advance of its publication. This raises further serious questions, as the family had requested a copy of the report before publication; their first knowledge of it was gleaned from RTE news bulletins. They deserved better than this.


We read that the Garda Commissioner is likely to be called to give evidence to an Oireachtas Committee in January concerning the killing of John Carthy; this is a pointless exercise at this stage. The Minister for Justice stated that he had not "closed off" the option of an independent inquiry. This is the very least the family are entitled to. - Yours, etc.,

J.P. McCann, Mapas Avenue, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.