‘Shrinkflation’ and chocolate bars

Sir, – Chocolate bars are getting smaller, as Conor Pope writes ("Corporate excuses for smaller sweets leave bitter taste", January 25th).

The trucker’s favourite, the chunky Yorkie bar, has shrunk to a van-driver size and is heading for wheelbarrow-pusher dimensions. I suppose the two-fingered snack bar says it all. – Yours, etc,




Co Westmeath.

Sir, – I have noticed over the years that the Walnut Whip has shrunk, and instead of ridges of chocolate, the covering is now smooth and thin. The purple Cadbury’s Snack used to have a decent amount of chocolate overing the biscuit; now it is mostly biscuit with very little chocolate. Not only have the Quality Street tins shrunk in size, so have the Cadbury’s Roses. I hardly recognise those sweets now – they are shaped differently to make them smaller. When I wrote to them pointing this out, I got a letter back saying that the weight was clearly marked on the tins, thus missing the point.

The companies claim they are worried about sugar and obesity. Don’t make me laugh!

Put the prices up, if you must, but leave the sweets and bars alone. – Yours, etc,


