Sir, - Áine Meek commented (March 11th) on the scarcity of road direction signs in Dublin. There is a logical (though not a good) explanation.

It is because of the non-repeal of regulations introduced during the Emergency by the old Department of Defensive Measures, which were intended to disadvantage the expected invading foe.

It is now part of what we are, and visitors come from the four corners of the globe to experience it. Some never find their way home again.

Here in rural Ireland, we have the related problem of the twisting of direction signs. I am reliably informed that the fairies shift the signs by night.


The county councils play into their hands, of course, by using signs pivoting on single poles.

My vague memory of Technical Drawing suggests to me that signs fixed to poles at either end would defeat this malfeasance of the fairies. Even so, the fact that the signs are so often concealed among bushes and sceachs well above eye level means that their only real value is to the occasional passing horseman.

Only a motorist with the neck of a giraffe and the ability to see around corners can avail fully of their flawed but confident assertions of direction. - Yours, etc.,


Stratford on Slaney,


Co Wicklow. ...