Sinn Féin, the EU and unification

Sir, – You report that Sinn Féin has told EU diplomats that Irish reunification has moved "centre stage" ("Mary Lou McDonald pushes EU to back Irish reunification", News, March 22nd). According to the party-produced European Newsletter, "it is being talked about in every town and city in Ireland, not in aspirational tones". Really? I would have thought that EU diplomats are a little bit busy at the moment dealing with the Putin invasion of Ukraine, but then again life on "Craggy Island" always has a feel of the surreal about it. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.


A chara,– Sinn Féin president Mary Lou McDonald says the European Union must respond in the same way it did regarding the reunification of Germany. If a wall was in place to prevent the residents of Strabane in Co Tyrone from moving to Lifford in Co Donegal, then the comparison would be justified. – Is mise,



Co Dublin.