Sitka Spruce

Sir, - Charles Colthurst, chairman of the Irish Timber Growers Association (October 23rd) couldn't be righter

Sir, - Charles Colthurst, chairman of the Irish Timber Growers Association (October 23rd) couldn't be righter. Let's plant Sitka Spruce everywhere. At one stroke we'd get rid of smelly old farms, smelly old farmers, smelly old sheep, cattle et al., plus 90 per cent of all local flora and fauna (and with the rivers and lakes acidified we'd be rid of smelly old fish too), not to mention smelly old rural dwellers of all kinds and types. For heaven's sake, in a couple of (Sitka Spruce-growing) decades we'd be rid of the whole of smelly old Ireland!! Great idea! Brilliant! And all paid for by the EU! - Yours, etc.,

Rosita Sweetman,


Co Wicklow.