Slavery, 21st-century style

Madam, - Recently the abolition of a certain brand of slave labour was celebrated; and this is certainly a cause for celebration…

Madam, - Recently the abolition of a certain brand of slave labour was celebrated; and this is certainly a cause for celebration.

But let's not forget some new and continuing aspects of slavery. There are millions of children in bonded labour and we buy cheaply some of the goods they produce for a pittance.

Then there is the sex trade - both blatant and subtle - into which we buy under the title of "sexual freedom". It is obvious even on the less notorious TV programmes where it sells itself in a more subtle and everyday manner. I wouldn't be surprised to see even a turnip described as "sexy" so that it will sell.

Further, thoughtful people recognise the enslavement to consumerism. It has reached the level of an addiction. While most people recognise the enslavement to drugs (including alcohol and gambling), being enslaved to body shape and fashion is relatively new and entraps even children. Broadly speaking millions of people are trapped into possessing - the beautiful body, house, boat, holiday home, foreign travel.


Freedom? Moderation? I don't think. We create further wounded history. - Yours, etc,

ANGELA MACNAMARA, Kilmacud, Dublin 14.