Smithfield Market

A chara, - As a resident of Stoneybatter, I think that it's a disgrace what has become of Smithfield Market, with every cobblestone…

A chara, - As a resident of Stoneybatter, I think that it's a disgrace what has become of Smithfield Market, with every cobblestone in the square rooted up. It's sad that this once beautiful ancient market has been transformed into an ugly building site with barricades, bulldozers and huge holes everywhere.

What is the Corporation thinking? As well as destroying the market square, it has terminated the traditional horse market, which took place on the first Sunday of every month and had been in existence for hundreds of years. For this to have existed in the inner city of a European capital was something very special. But alas, fancy new hotels and other such developments have taken precedence over ancient traditions and pushed the horse market out.

It's difficult to stand by and watch the powers that be decide that something as unique and steeped in ancient tradition as Smithfield Market is unnecessary in these noveau-riche Celtic Tiger days. - Is mise,

Therese Kelly, Oxmantown Road, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7.