Smoking In Pubs

Sir, - Is there a pub anywhere in Dublin where it is possible to go for a few drinks on a Saturday night and not leave reeking…

Sir, - Is there a pub anywhere in Dublin where it is possible to go for a few drinks on a Saturday night and not leave reeking of cigarette smoke? In the absence of legislative compulsion, the concept of no-smoking areas in pubs is presumably unrealistic. However, there must be some unsatisfied demand for drinking (and eating) in a smoke-free atmosphere. Is there any publican out there who would be willing to risk servicing this market?

From observation, it would seem that smoking is now an activity favoured mainly by women under 25 who seem intent on puffing their way into an early grave. The potential loss of these customers is an important consideration but I have no doubt that more sensible individuals with a higher life expectancy (publicans please note) would quickly replace them. - Yours, etc., Gerry Loughrey,

Coolatree Park, Beaumont, Dublin 9.