Solving Europe’s humanitarian crisis

Sir, – Donal Mac Erlaine (Letters, March 16th) suggests that I need "more democracy, more openness, and more humanity" in my argument when I insist that all migrants and refugees seeking to enter this country should first be asked if they would be willing to support full equality for women and gay people in this country.

Many of those seeking refuge come from countries where the basic human rights of women and gay people are blatantly trampled upon.

Prison sentences, and even death sentences, are imposed for breaches of the sexist and homophobic laws of some of these countries.

I would suggest that the equality now enjoyed by women and gay people in this country is as a result of the principles of “democracy, openness and humanity” having been exercised by its citizens, and this despite fierce resistance from religious institutions.


To invite those who are infected by it to our shores is to risk undermining what we took centuries to free ourselves from.

– Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.