Solving the housing crisis

Sir, – Our legislators managed to pass Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (Fempi) legislation to tackle some of our financial problems.

This was legislation, not necessarily popular with those that were adversely affected by it but it was relatively successful.

Isn’t it time for “Housing Emergency Measures in The Public Interest”.

Such legislation would be for a specified period to allow opportunity for some longer-term solutions to be implemented.


– Yours, etc,



Co Meath.

Sir, – It is a constant source of amazement to me in the ongoing housing crisis that nobody mentions the elephant in the room.

The sale of local authority homes without re-investment or replacement. These properties were paid for by public taxes designed to provide safe and secure homes for those unable to buy privately.

Because of rule-bending and non-replacement, the private sector took over, at great personal and government expense. What a surprise.

Now landlords are baddies and local authorities shrug shoulders. No point pointing fingers when it all went wrong. What was managed on so little in the 1950s couldn’t be achieved in the boom days.

A housewife would be ashamed of such bad management. – Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.