Speeding and road carnage

Madam, - After the weekend's carnage on the roads it is obvious that until the Government and the courts frighten delinquent …

Madam, - After the weekend's carnage on the roads it is obvious that until the Government and the courts frighten delinquent drivers with substantial loss of freedom or money, the deaths will continue.

The responsibility is theirs.

When a court says that driving at nearly 200km/h is not "dangerous", as happened last week in Donegal District Court, the loss of life will continue. - Yours, etc,

JIM COGAN, Listowel, Co Kerry.


Madam, - A judge of the District Court believes that the driver of a car driven at 122mph should have been up before him on a "simple" speeding charge rather than the charge of dangerous driving brought by the Garda because "no one had to jump out of the way".

Is it rational to believe that such driving becomes dangerous only on those occasions when there are human obstacles in the driver's way? And what of the safety of the passengers?

In my opinion, this judge should be taken off the bench and sent home to play with his Dinkies. - Yours, etc,

MARIE MacSWEENEY, Drogheda,  Co Louth.