Speeding And Road Deaths

Sir, - Your Editorial "Death on the Roads" (December 21st) is very timely

Sir, - Your Editorial "Death on the Roads" (December 21st) is very timely. Indeed, the statistics on the numbers of drivers who break the speed limits is quite staggering (25 per cent of motorists and almost 40 per cent of truck drivers). I believe that conformity with the speed limits would be considerably advanced if the actual limits were prominently displayed (in both m.p.h. and k.p.h.) all over the national roads network. At present, the legal speed limits must be among the best kept secrets in the country. I feel that it would be very beneficial for tourists and visitors, as well as a reminder to the rest of us, if an extensive range of speed limit signs were installed. It could bring a significant change in attitudes towards speeding and we would have no excuses for the speed limit detector. - Yours, etc., Edith Wynne

Terenure Road West, Dublin 6W.