Speeding on country roads

Madam, - It saddens and dismays me every time I read of more deaths on the Irish roads

Madam, - It saddens and dismays me every time I read of more deaths on the Irish roads. My husband and I return to my native Ireland twice a year on holidays and hope to retire there. We usually hire a car and use it quite a bit around the country roads of Cork and Kerry.

What amazes us is the high speeds allowed: 100 kmh or 80 kmh is far too high for small, winding country roads with sharp bends and narrow bridges. The manner in which local drivers tear around these bends and race down narrow roads is frightening.

Also, there is a very unsafe practice of "tailgating". The driver behind hugs our rear bumper trying to bully us into speeding or else trying to drive us into the ditch.

The State needs to take urgent and positive action to reduce the number of appalling accidents on Irish roads. Why is everyone in such a hurry? Life is short and should be highly valued. Graveyards are full of speeding drivers and their victims. - Yours, etc,


(Mrs) MARY DOUGLAS, Brighton, East Sussex, England.