St Patrick's Day paganism

Madam, - In your editorial of March 16th you rightly condemn the drunken orgies associated with St Patrick's Day

Madam, - In your editorial of March 16th you rightly condemn the drunken orgies associated with St Patrick's Day. However, total sobriety, in itself, would not justify "the way we celebrate".

You go on to laud the "marching bands and phantasmagorical displays involving children and adults dressed as elegant birds, beasts and flowers".

But you fail to call for any spiritual dimension to the celebrations, even though we claim to be honouring the memory of the man who brought Christianity to our shores.

This month's issue of the publication Alive labels the Patrick's Day public performance as a "pagan parade". This development should also be a matter of concern to us all. - Yours, etc.,


SEÁN Ó CEALLAIGH, Castleknock, Dublin 15.