Stadium Ireland

Sir, - We do not need another national stadium and we do not need one in Abbotstown

Sir, - We do not need another national stadium and we do not need one in Abbotstown. These two fundamental facts are becoming obscured by the unseemly and personalised argument that is going on about money. It is as if another national stadium on the outer perimeter of the city would be all right if the cost was all right. Not so.

Some of the other proposed sporting facilities probably are needed, but not off the M50 in Abbotstown. This has been called an imaginative and progressive proposal. Ribbon-building along a motorway and adding to the further suburbanisation of the Capital are no such thing.

Why do these other sporting facilities - swimming pool, golf academy, etc. - all have to be in the one place? Why do they have to be in Dublin at all? - Yours, etc.,

Tomas O'Beirne, Ilex House, Sussex Road, Dublin 4.