State inaction on alcohol abuse

Madam, - Dr Michael Loftus (May 1st) rightly apportions some responsibility for the worsening national alcohol crisis to our …

Madam, - Dr Michael Loftus (May 1st) rightly apportions some responsibility for the worsening national alcohol crisis to our legislators. Several articles in your paper in the past week rightly highlighted this smouldering crisis.

Department of Health and Children reports have recommended a legislative approach to controlling advertising, as well as promotions involving young people and sport in particular - an approach endorsed by the Dáil's own select Committee on Health. Yet the Government has pandered to the alcohol lobby by agreeing a voluntary code for alcohol advertising.

Prof Griffith Edwards of the National Addiction Centre of the University of London is damming about the Government's recent decision in favour of a voluntary code as a betrayal of the people, in that the Government is knowingly pursuing voluntary policies it knows to be ineffective.

The previous Minister for Health and Children, Micheál Martin, will rightly be remembered for the successful ban on smoking in workplaces. Now the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children, Mary Harney, has the opportunity to improve our country's health and well-being by restricting alcohol advertising and promotion by law. The benefits of such a course would include reduced attendance at A&E departments, lower rates of depression and suicide among young people, fewer road accidents and deaths.


The discomfort of the alcohol lobby would be as nothing compared with the benefit to society. Sectional interests and market forces should not dictate national policy to the expense of the greater social good.

Unfortunately, looking at Ms Harney's and the Government's poor performance to date in this vital area of national wellbeing, the questions arises: have we any real leaders left, or merely "cheer" leaders? - Yours, etc,

Dr PASCAL O'DEA, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow.