State of Dublin airport

Madam, - I would like to ask your readers to stop referring to Dublin airport as being like that of a "Third World" country (…

Madam, - I would like to ask your readers to stop referring to Dublin airport as being like that of a "Third World" country (Liam O'Riordan, July 18th).

Recently I flew into Addis Ababa, capital of one of the poorest countries in the Third World, and was greeted by a state-of-the-art airport - efficient, clean, high-ceilinged, bright.

My only criticism is that the $130 million price tag is questionable in a country where about 10 per cent of the population are fed annually by the World Food Organisation.

However, if the least industrialised country on earth can build an airport fit for a first-world capital, it is beyond belief that booming Ireland can't do the same.


The Ethiopian embassy is on Lower Fitzwilliam Street; perhaps Minister for Transport Martin Cullen should drop in. - Yours, etc,

MARK COLLINS, Meadow Park, Dublin 14.