State Reception For Cardinal

Sir, - It was with deep sorrow that I read the content of Cardinal Connell's speech at his State reception (The Irish Times, …

Sir, - It was with deep sorrow that I read the content of Cardinal Connell's speech at his State reception (The Irish Times, May 15th).

As a mere layman it appears to me that the Cardinal's comments smack of judgmentalism and reproach towards the relationship between the Taoiseach and Ms Celia Larkin.

Where are the qualities of understanding, compassion and love in this message to his flock? Personal conscience has been well and truly sidelined in favour of the hard-line, arch-conservative, dogmatic approach to moral teaching.

Jesus said: "Judge not and you shall not be judged", and "Love one another as I have loved you". Perhaps these healing words may pour oil on troubled waters. - Yours, etc.,


David Whelan, North Strand, Dublin 3.