State Reception For Cardinal

Sir, - Dr Martin Mansergh was quoted in your newspaper as saying that criticism by the Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral of Celia…

Sir, - Dr Martin Mansergh was quoted in your newspaper as saying that criticism by the Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral of Celia Larkin's involvement in a reception to honour Cardinal Connell was "gratuitously discourteous".

Like many others of the liberal agenda, Dr Mansergh chooses to miss the point - which to thousands of us who will never be quoted on TV or in newspapers, is that Bertie Ahern has a wife whom he has divorced. Yet he chooses publicly to take his "partner" around to represent us.

This is clearly saying that the institution of marriage is no longer important. What right has our Taoiseach to tread on what is dear to others? To do so is not a sign of advance in society, as Ruairi Quinn would also have us believe.

We also note Dr Mansergh's selectivity on "going public", in that he has never spoken out on recent Fianna Fail political scandals. - Yours, etc.,


J.N. Long, Cabinteely Park, Dublin 18.