State security and cybersecurity

Sir, The cyberattack against the HSE was a life-threatening assault on the most vulnerable members of our society, the sick and injured. Life-threatening in that several people may end up dying, or seriously ill, because of this disruption to HSE services, whether through missed diagnosis or delayed treatment. The attack should therefore be judged as an act of terrorism, not just a fraud attempt. Whether perpetrated by state actors, criminal organisations or private individuals, there should be consequences. State authorities that allow criminal and terrorism activities against other states should also be held responsible. The Defence Forces should be directed to develop a cyber-offensive capability, to deter against future cyberattacks and its logical progression, cyberwarfare. – Yours, etc,


(Colonel, retired),

Navan, Co Meath.


Sir, – Given the recent cyberattack on the HSE and the Department of Health, the Government must now address our serious deficiency in cybersecurity and intelligence capabilities. The Defence Forces have a key role to play and need to be adequately resourced.

The establishment of a State intelligence and cyberagency needs to be an urgent consideration and something that the Commission on Defence may look at. Security is key for our future economic development. Multinational organisations have to have confidence in the State’s ability to counter cyber-threats.

For too long defence and security issues have not been taken seriously by Government. It’s time for Government to act, and deliver robust defence and security measures. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.