Stormont impasse

Sir, – John B Reid's interest (June 9th) in the welfare debate in Northern Ireland is commendable, if hampered by less than complete evidence (June 9th).

Opposition to welfare “reform” in Northern Ireland is not a “far-left” position, nor it is the sole preserve of Sinn Féin. The churches, most charities, the voluntary sector, the trade unions, the SDLP, the Green Party, the Progressive Unionists and some brave individuals from the DUP and UUP, all oppose the imposition of the Tory vision of welfare “reform” precisely on the grounds that depending on benefits is not “a lifestyle choice”.

If Mr Reid knew more about the economy of Northern Ireland, he would know that it has the lowest-paid workers in the UK, and consequently more working people who require tax credits and housing benefits to supplement their low-paid jobs. If he uses the term “employer benefit”, or “landlord benefit”, he may be closer to the reality.

Nor is it a matter of ideology that Northern Ireland has a higher proportion of people on disability benefits. There is a simple, 40-year reason, for that statistic. As a famous descendant of Ulster, John Adams, once said, “facts are stubborn things”. – Yours, etc,



Assistant General Secretary,

Irish Congress

of Trade Unions,

Carlin House,
