Street-Signs In Dublin

Sir, - Have you ever asked for directions in the Dublin area? Your experience has probably been similar to mine

Sir, - Have you ever asked for directions in the Dublin area? Your experience has probably been similar to mine. People don't know the names of the streets. And could you blame them? It is next to impossible to read street-names when you arrive at an intersection. In some cases the name is at the opposite end of the street. In others, you may find it on the second or third house in a terrace. If it happens to be on a low wall, it is likely to be defaced or obliterated by graffiti. In such cases, even a street map is not a great help.

It is high time that Dublin Corporation decided to upgrade and standardise our street signs. Forget about the Spike. Spend taxpayers' money on adequate signposting. - Yours, etc.,

Thomas O'Carroll, North Richmond Street, Dublin 1.