Summer driving

Sir, – The Irish people have made a tremendous effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19 since March by following the public health guidance and legislative measures. This was and is a great example of individuals adhering to a system of rules and guidance for the good of all.

What a shame it is that the same attitude is not taken to the rules of the road. On recent staycation journeys around Ireland, I have encountered breathtaking breaches of these rules, including dangerous overtaking, blatant disregard for speed limits, breaking red lights and tailgating. As a motorist and also as a cyclist and sometimes runner, these behaviours are shocking to witness.

I would implore all motorists to remember that the rules of the road, much like the guidance on social distancing, are there for the good and protection of all road users and should always be adhered to. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 1.