Supporting family values

Sir, - On the surface, this island of ours is thriving

Sir, - On the surface, this island of ours is thriving. We are witnessing an economic boom and many people are experiencing and enjoying material wealth like never before. However, many of us are so caught up in this "Celtic Tiger" that we cannot or perhaps we refuse to see what is a reality. The core of Irish society is a mess and we have to do something about cleaning it up.

Problems of homelessness, drugs, alcohol, violence and racism are rife and are just the tip of a very large iceberg. Lately our media have presented us with stories of children violently taking the lives of other children. We read over these stories in shock, feeling great pity for those involved but do we recognise the true enormity of what is happening? Basically, our society is in tatters and badly needs some good strong glue to put it back together. What can we do?

Our children are our future and with that in mind, we must invest time, effort and funding to insure that the future is a bright one. The clinical psychologist Tony Humphreys stated (Education and Living, September 25th) that "the most powerful culture that influences all our lives is the family culture." In order to improve society as a whole maybe we could begin within our families.

As parents we could begin by recognising and accepting our role as primary educators of our children and give them the support, love and time that they need to develop into mature confident adults. We must develop bonds with our children which allow even the most sensitive issues to be discussed and debated. Life is not easy for today's youngsters. There are temptations which require healthy choices at every turn. We have to acknowledge this and begin teaching our children how to make those healthy choices.


Parenting today is an onerous task and support is crucial. Parents, families, schools and communities need to work together and support each other rather than putting the onus on any one group. If Ireland really cares about its children and its future, it will inject serious financial, structural and professional resources into this needy area. - Yours, etc.,

Orla Farrell, Loreto Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.