Supporting The Assembly

Sir, - All reports from the various media sources state that the Belfast Agreement is in a very fragile state

Sir, - All reports from the various media sources state that the Belfast Agreement is in a very fragile state. This must be of great concern to all those who are living in much more peaceful times than in the previous 30 years. At this time, therefore, it is beholden on all individuals, especially politicians, churchmen or members of community institutions, to speak out in support of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The First Minister and his cabinet colleagues, who are working seriously and diligently towards a normalised peaceful community, need to be sustained while they are being buffeted by those unwilling to reach an acceptable consensus.

So many citizens of this island have had a vision of a peaceful solution after so many years of desecration that it would be a desperate blow to morale should that vision fade or vanish. We would urge everyone to give support in the coming weeks for the maintenance of peace and stability. - Yours, etc.,

Janice Johnston, On behalf of the Dublin Quaker Peace Committee, Morehampton Road, Dublin 4.