Surge in support for Fianna Fáil

Madam, - I was amused to read the headline of last Friday's Editorial: "A poor reflection of ourselves

Madam, - I was amused to read the headline of last Friday's Editorial: "A poor reflection of ourselves." I can only assume that the "ourselves" concerned were the editorial staff of The Irish Times, other media "experts," and the Opposition parties - who are, no doubt, disappointed at not having destabilised the Government.

The simple fact is that the other "ourselves" - the electorate - are not stupid. We know a good government when we have one.

In looking for an explanation for the recent poll results, one must look no further than the Opposition benches. We have all seen the antics of Ineffectual Enda, Pithy Pat et al., and, frankly, are not impressed.

- Yours, etc,


SEAN BELLEW, Upper Faughart,Dundalk.

Madam, - Your Editorial of October 13th expresses surprise at the success of the Government in eluding damage from the latest political turbulence. The simple explanation is that political guile of the highest order has been employed.

The genius of Fianna Fáil politicians is that they have created the sense that they, like the man in the street, are outside the establishment. From the backbenchers to the Taoiseach himself, they act as if they are excluded from power by faceless elites and bureaucracies. The Taoiseach goes so far as to sign letters of representation to Government Departments himself on behalf of citizens, even though he himself controls the Government, the Oireachtas and the entire legislative process.

The PDs have perfected an effective, if somewhat more demeaning, variant on the act. On any matter of controversy they indulge in very public handwringing, saying that someone should do something about whatever the issue happens to be.

That the two parties can get away with this act is so absurdly funny that it has killed political satire in this country. The only other victim is political accountability.

- Yours, etc,

HUGO BRADY BROWN, Stratford on Slaney, Co Wicklow.

Madam, - After your latest opinion poll, I propose a shot in the arm for Enda Kenny and Fine Gael. Mr Kenny clearly needs his own minor financial scandal with some "friendly" businessmen. He should then deny any wrongdoing and resist calls to apologise for as long as possible.

This will give him plenty of coverage and show him to be an all-round wink-and-a-nod cute hoor, always willing to put himself first - just what the Plain People of Ireland love.

- Yours, etc,

JACK HYLAND, Clyde House, Serpentine Avenue, Dublin 4.