Sutherland Speech On Nice

Sir, - In the Dail on December 11th, the Fine Gael leader, Michael Noonan, told the Taoiseach that people all over Europe were…

Sir, - In the Dail on December 11th, the Fine Gael leader, Michael Noonan, told the Taoiseach that people all over Europe were waiting for Ireland to ratify the Nice Treaty.

Mr Noonan must live in cloud cuckoo-land.

Firstly, the politically informed Irish electorate have already voted down the Nice Treaty. Secondly, if the people of Europe were given a vote on the matter, polls suggest it would be similarly rejected in all relevant countries.

Only a political dunderhead can be unaware of this. - Yours, etc.,


Simon O'Donnell, Church Place, Rathmines, Dublin 6.