Switching over?

Sir, – In the mid-1990s, the cost of electricity to the domestic customer was about mid-point on the list of European charges when Brussels canvassed the Irish government to introduce open competition in the energy market – even though the customer base here was clearly much too small for such a dramatic step. As usual our government doffed the cap. Now in 2015 we have a plethora of energy suppliers, a mind-boggling range of confusing rates, and an energy regulator who admits that the only way to ensure best value is to go online every year and change supplier. And guess what – now we are fourth most expensive in Europe for domestic energy.

When I said to my supplier recently that I would be happy to remain loyal to that company if it continued to charge me a competitive rate, its honest answer was that the only loyalty now is to your own pocket!

Would it be too simple to have just one supplier for each energy service, with a competent and well-resourced regulator that would constantly monitor the energy business and ensure charges which were fair to both customer and supplier?

The constant online battle to secure fair treatment in a chaotic market is wrong and leads to unfair treatment, particularly to substantial numbers who struggle with modern systems. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – Is switching a futile exercise and a waste of energy? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.

Sir, – All the hoopla about shopping around and switching electricity (or gas, phoneline or broadband supplier) to get the best price – for a while anyway – isn’t a complete waste of time. It provides employment for advertising and PR firms, if nothing else. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.