Tackling Ireland's drink problem

Madam, - I strongly reject the attack by Dr Michael Loftus (December 16th) on the independence and professionalism of MEAS (Mature…

Madam, - I strongly reject the attack by Dr Michael Loftus (December 16th) on the independence and professionalism of MEAS (Mature Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society). Yes, this organisation was a drinks industry initiative, but its remit - to combat alcohol misuse and abuse - is pursued totally independently.

One of our initiatives, the MEAS Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic Drinks is policed by a five-person independent complaints panel, which includes representatives of the Consumers' Association, the National Parents' Council, and an expert on issues concerning alcohol and society (Dr Mark Morgan). The chairperson is Gordon Holmes, who also chairs the Garda Complaints Board.

MEAS's primary campaign focus is to tackle problems such as under-age drinking and drink-driving. Our designated driver campaign, whose endorsement by the political party leaders Dr Loftus seeks to totally misrepresent, also ran last Christmas and is supported by An Garda Síochána, the National Safety Council, the Automobile Association, the publicans' organisations (LVA and VFI), the off-license organisation (NOffLA), and the wider drinks industry, including the soft drinks sector.

Using the slogan "Drive Straight and Designate", the campaign wants to get people who are socialising during the Christmas period to designate a member of their group to refrain from drinking alcohol so they can drive everyone home safely. It is widely supported by publicans up and down the country, many of whom are giving free non-alcoholic drinks to the designated driver to encourage the campaign.


As the name of our organisation suggests, MEAS is concerned to promote the responsible use of alcohol in our society. This is a challenge for a range of interests, including parents, teachers, the drinks industry, legislators and health professionals, and one which is best pursued on a collaborative basis. It is a pity that people such as Dr Loftus cannot see the obvious merit in this approach.

Furthermore, for the record, I wish to make it clear that MEAS believes that people who drive should not drink alcohol at all. This organisation also fully supports the introduction of random breath testing, and commends the Minister for Justice for his plans to introduce a dedicated Garda Traffic Corps.- Yours, etc.,


Chief Executive, MEAS,

Lower Fitzwilliam Street,

Dublin 2.

Madam, - In his letter to your reputable newspaper (December 16th) Dr Michael Loftus doesn't mince words. I agree with him when he says that the drinks industry's new body MEAS has one purpose: the promotion of alcohol in this country. MEAS will do everything in its power to beguile people into believing it is a "socially responsible" body. Our political leaders are obviously duped.

How is it that there are none so blind as those who refuse to see? - Yours, etc.,


PRO, Pioneer Council,


Co Monaghan.