Taoiseach and the tribunal

Madam, - Noel Grealish TD is entitled to his opinion about Bertie Ahern and the Mahon tribunal, but he does not speak for me…

Madam, - Noel Grealish TD is entitled to his opinion about Bertie Ahern and the Mahon tribunal, but he does not speak for me or many other members of the Progressive Democrats.

One of the basic principles of the Progressive Democrats is high standards in public office. Over the past 22 years we have been very successful in maintaining those standards. The Progressive Democrats are synonymous with honest politics.

It is up to the tribunal and the Revenue Commissioners to judge Bertie Ahern's guilt or innocence in relation to his financial affairs. It is my own judgment that Mr. Ahern has not even met the standard to be a member of the Progressive Democrats, never mind hold high office. Holding power without principles is not the Progressive Democrat way.

Politics should be about more than gaining power. It should be about vision, leadership, achieving goals and setting standards. Would Des O'Malley or Michael McDowell defend the actions of the Taoiseach today? I think not.


- Yours, etc,

Cllr JOHN KENNY (PD), Arundel, Monkstown Valley, Co Dublin.

Madam, - With reference to Mr Ahern's and his ministers' repeated complaints about unfair treatment at the hands of the Mahon tribunal, is it not the case that he, uniquely, was permitted to make a personal statement before giving evidence in Dublin Castle?

This might suggest that, far from being unfair to Mr Ahern, the tribunal gave him a head start.

- Yours, etc,

BRENDAN ATKINSON, Forest Drive, River Valley, Swords, Co Dublin.