Tax defaulters beyond the Pale

Madam, - I note from your list of published tax defaulters that 150 out of 172 - 87 per cent of the total - live outside Dublin…

Madam, - I note from your list of published tax defaulters that 150 out of 172 - 87 per cent of the total - live outside Dublin. This is in strong contrast to the population distribution of the State.

May I remind our wealthy extra-Pale citizens, who often claim to be the true Irish, that the Union Jack no longer flies over Dublin Castle? In fact it has not done so for over 80 years.

Lads, it's your own country and your own citizens that you are continuing to rob. Please, follow the lead of us honest Dubs, and show some real patriotism. Otherwise we may have to start thinking of going our own way, and leave you lot to fend for yourselves. - Yours, etc.,

GERARD KELLY, Orwell Gardens, Dublin 6.