Tax evasion allegations

Sir, – Isn't it amazing that allegations by a senior civil servant about politicians and other senior State officials possibly engaging in tax avoidance can be left to languish for years, being pushed from desk to desk across various sections within Richard Bruton's department, despite the Minister and other departments being aware of these allegations ("Tax evasion statement forwarded to authorities, says Bruton", November 11th)?

When the matter became public, however, suddenly within a matter of days the same department that had engaged in a torturous process managed to complete its review and pass its statement to the relevant authorities. What a coincidence.

It makes you wonder what else is languishing all over government departments being pushed from desk to desk like a child pushing vegetables around a plate. It also explains a lot about the dysfunctionality of this Government since the steady hand of the troika left it to its own devices. – Yours, etc,



Canary Wharf,
