Taxing nursing home repayments

Madam, - The report in your edition of August 29th that the the estates of up to 50,000 people who were illegally charged for…

Madam, - The report in your edition of August 29th that the the estates of up to 50,000 people who were illegally charged for their stay in long-stay public nursing homes will have to pay inheritance tax on their repayments from the State offends all sense of common decency felt by those of a just mind and heart.

I sincerely hope that repayments to those who are still alive will not have any negative bearing on their social welfare or other benefits as they enjoy their golden years - perhaps after many years of hardship.

Nothing, however, would surprise one any more. We have a Government drunk on eight years of unbroken rule which seems to think that anything goes. What perverse thinking would seek to recoup by stealth money which is quite properly being repaid to the victims of theft? It stands in painful contrast to the situation which arises when there are outstanding issues with the Revenue - or outright tax avoidance - and interest is charged on any unpaid sum, plus significant penalities.

Why does the Government expect such generous compensation from those who steal from it, yet does not hold itself up to the same moral standard in respect of its own dirty business? - Yours, etc,




Co Cavan.