Teenagers And Contraception

Sir, - Following a report (The Irish Times, July 27th) on the supply by doctors of contraceptives to under-age girls without …

Sir, - Following a report (The Irish Times, July 27th) on the supply by doctors of contraceptives to under-age girls without parental knowledge, Mr Cian O'Tiernaigh of the ISPCC is quoted as saying that "it is acceptable if the child is sexually active with a peer" (but not otherwise). The word "it" would seem to refer to both sexual activity and the supply of contraceptives.

Coming from any adult, this declaration would be regarded as irresponsible. Coming from the head of an organisation claiming to protect the interests of children, it is nothing short of a betrayal. Mr O'Tiernaigh is reneging on his responsibility in his condoning of promiscuity, and in not telling young people where this lifestyle is leading.

Pope Paul's Humanae Vitae may well make for unpalatable reading for Mr O'Tiernaigh, but he will find that an unpleasant number of predictions therein have already come to pass. For the truth is, there is no free lunch. Those who have to pay are these young people themselves, their children, the parents (who are also expected to pick up some of the tab), and society.

It's time for Mr O'Tiernaigh to get out of show business, and start telling young people the truth. - Yours, etc., Cllr Richard Greene


Roebuck Road, Dublin 14.