Terminal indecision

Madam, - Why must clean logic always be thwarted when it comes to serving the best interests of the public?

Madam, - Why must clean logic always be thwarted when it comes to serving the best interests of the public?

The straightforward, clean and practical solution of having an independent airport terminal at Dublin Airport, which could be built at minimal disruption to the vast majority of passengers, must not be thwarted by a minority of people who decide that they know what is best for the public even if the public disagree.

Our airport authority which competes internationally in providing airport services worldwide is surely no stranger to competition. Rip-off Ireland has to be tackled in every way possible and at every level. As a strategic national asset, Dublin Airport will remain in the control of the Dublin Airport Authority. The independent terminal can in no way jeopardise this status.

Business commuters have been stymied and put upon over the past six years with the protracted roll-out of the M50 and the Port Tunnel. Now it appears that just as light is on the horizon, air passengers plus "meeters and greeters" are to have another punitive decision that has no support in democracy foisted on them.


Can air travellers be given a vote on this issue? - Yours, etc,

GREGORY ALKEN, Sandycove, Co Dublin.