Terminal optimism?

Sir, – It is gratifying to see Ryanair's chief executive Michael O'Leary offering to provide a third terminal at Dublin Airport for $200 million ("O'Leary says Ryanair would provide third airport terminal", October 12th).

This is presumably the same gentleman who, having forecast a decline in passenger numbers, declared in 2010 that Terminal Two was an “expensive waste of money” and would be the “death of the tourist industry”? I suppose that, as with his efforts to forecast the price of oil, he can’t get everything right. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

Sir, – I find it amusing that the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) would even contemplate a third terminal.

As a frequent user of the airport, I am amazed at how often I have checked in at Terminal 1, only to be made depart, after a long walk, from Terminal 2. I have wondered many times whether this is a sop to the retailers to increase footfall in both duty-free areas or simply down to poor gate management. I think if the DAA examined closely its use of the two terminals it has, it might find it does not need a third. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.