The abortion debate

Sir, - A report prepared for the Church of Ireland Synod is quoted as proposing that abortion be made generally illegal but that…

Sir, - A report prepared for the Church of Ireland Synod is quoted as proposing that abortion be made generally illegal but that it be allowed in a number of cases including rape and incest.

One exception is enough to undermine the whole protection of unborn life. The child conceived as a result of rape is as innocent as the mother. If the sanctity of human life is not respected in this case, it is undermined for all unborn children. In his Encyclical on human life, Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul says in relation to cases such as this: "The one eliminated is a human being at the very beginning of life. No one more absolutely innocent can be imagined. In no way could this human being ever be considered an aggressor, much less an unjust aggressor!"

I hope that the Church of Ireland will have the vision and courage to protect innocent human life. - Yours, etc.

Rev Michael Manning, The Presbytery, Millstreet, Co Cork.