The Amsterdam Treaty

Sir, - Congratulations on your excellent supplement on the Amsterdam Treaty (The Irish Times, May 6th)

Sir, - Congratulations on your excellent supplement on the Amsterdam Treaty (The Irish Times, May 6th). Your Editorial draws attention to the fact that the detail of this important treaty has not been getting the exposure it deserves, nor has it had the level of debate necessary for good democratic practice.

I find it highly regrettable that due to the McKenna judgement, our elected Government is prohibited from presenting the facts about this referendum in a positive and clear manner. Many of these who will vote on May 22nd will not have read your supplement and will remain confused or ignorant of the issues. We should beware of Ms McKenna and her "liberal minded" associates who seek to muzzle debate and restrict discussion of the significant issues they don't agree with. When we voted successive governments into office it was on the clear understanding that they represented us on issues such as European integration. Is it not ironic, therefore, that having done so, they are unable to present the results of these negotiations in a clear and forthright manner to the same electorate and thereby seek a further mandate to ratify the treaty?

One can only say, what a ludicrous situation! - Yours, etc., Peter B. MacNamara

Monoe, Scariff, Co Clare.