The Angelus

Sir, - I believe the Angelus is a sectarian religious ceremony which has no place on the State-owned broadcasting service

Sir, - I believe the Angelus is a sectarian religious ceremony which has no place on the State-owned broadcasting service. RTE is supposed to be about reflecting modern Ireland. I believe it would do this more effectively if all religions in Ireland were treated equally. The Angelus itself, and its associated prayer to the Virgin Mary, are left-overs from a time when Ireland was ruled with direct Catholic Church input. Those times have passed. It is time for Ireland to become a nation which favours no one religion above others.In this week of Christian Unity, couldn't the Christians unite with other religions and do something fresh with the first minute after 6 p.m? - Yours, etc.,Gary Byrnes,Editor, SIX Magazine,Upper Rathmines Road,Dublin 6.