The bells of the Angelus

Sir, – I am surprised at the number of your readers who enjoy listening to the Angelus on RTÉ radio (September 5th).

As an atheist, I usually say to believers in the various gods that they are very welcome to their beliefs, especially if it brings them comfort, but they should not impose their beliefs on others.

The Angelus, along with long spells of bell ringing or calls to prayer from a mosque, seem to me to not just be calls for reflection, but a strident demand for attention from the male hierarchies of the various religions.

The playing of the Angelus here in Ireland is a daily reminder of the theocracy that ruled the State for so long.


Maybe Alexa could be made to respond to “Alexa, please play the Angelus” instead of so many of us having to shout “Alexa, off!’ between the main weather forecast and the news every evening? – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.