The Birth Of Democracy

Sir, - Correspondence on the Birth of Democracy (June 15th) recalls the following incident which happened many years ago after…

Sir, - Correspondence on the Birth of Democracy (June 15th) recalls the following incident which happened many years ago after a public lecture on Irish History at University College Dublin, then located at Earlsfort Terrace.

Following the lecture, the attendance formed small discussion groups. The one which I joined included the late Richard Mulcahy, former Government Minister and the late Liam O'Briain, former professor at Galway University. Both had fought in the Easter Rising.

The topic of the 1918 General Election came up, and Liam O'Briain impishly declared that he had struck a great blow for Ireland by voting seven times. Richard Mulcahy was quick to reply that he must have had a better bicycle, as he had voted eleven times. - Yours, etc., Owen Quinn,

Dublin 12.