The Budget

Sir, - The Minister for Finance's statement that "older people should be able to retire with confidence" is incredible given …

Sir, - The Minister for Finance's statement that "older people should be able to retire with confidence" is incredible given the facts in this budget.

The members of the Coalition have reneged on its commitment to our association. Before the last general election they stated that they would endeavour to remedy the injustice of the present PRSI regulations affecting our members. Briefly, our members born before 1932 (average age at present 70 years) are being discriminated against because they used their initiative to become fully self-employed. For this reason they are being disqualified from obtaining a contributory old-age pension. This has been a cruel deception to our members who supported the present Coalition. Their action is contemptible and an insult to a minority who have contributed 40 or 50 years to this State. - Yours, etc.,

From Paddy Power

Chairman, Self-Employed Pension Association, Belgrove Park, Dublin 20.